Thursday, September 1, 2016

Week 1 Mexico MTC

Hola para El CCM!
     It has been an amazing week and a half of hard work and learning but I love it. First of all I apologize ahead of time because my computer is in spanish and I don´t know how to change it so every word in english is underlined spell check so if I miss spell a ton I am blaming it on that.
   Thanks to all the emails and packages, they were all great and all brought a huge smile to my face!
   First of the flight over here was awesome. In the airport in Hawaii I had my old religion teacher on my flight, he sat right in back of me and we talked a little bit and it was a huge comfort. Also one of my favorite parts was that Noah (big Vocal motion Noah) was also on my plane and I had no idea. So when he saw me he was like, "Brierton! brah how are you?" Then he gave me a lei and a huge poly hug which made my day! Because I had a lei on it was a lot easier to convince everyone that I was from Hawaii. 
   When I got into Salt Lake I was a little early but I went to my gate anyways, there were about six missionaries  already there.  We thought that would be all of us so we got pretty tight, one of the Elders was going to the same mission as me. He was way cool so we started to be companions already without needing to be. After about ten minutes of talking with the six elders we decided to go get some food. So the six of us left for about ten minutes and when we came back there was about thirty more. So my self assigned companion and I went around and introduced ourselves to everyone. As time went on about a hundred missionaries showed up and the plane was full of us. I will try to put a picture of it. You can only see half of my hand doing the shaka in the second row to the left. The guy next to me, he and I got super close. We talk whenever we see each other around the CCM (mtc). At the end of the flight pretty much the whole plane was singing called to serve. It was awesome. 
    When we arrived they told us they had lost 49 bags from our plane. And I was the only one that I had heard of that lost both of their bags, so all I had was a carry on. Luckily I was just too stoked about being there that I didn't care. My bags didn't come for three more days, there may have been some wearing of dirty clothes and some mooching of my roommates. 
When I got there I found out that my companion is the same one that I met in the very beginning and was my self assigned companion so I was beyond stoked!! He is a hard worker from Missiouri and he is way fun.
    They speak in mostly spanish with some english thrown in so you understand a little. The second full day we were here they made us teach a twenty minute lesson all in spanish. We were able to write down what we were going to say but I still don't know how we did it. They didn't really prep us at all. Must be thee gift of tongues and the spirit. Yesterday I did my first lesson with no notes in spanish so I was pretty stoked. 
    They give you a schedule with every minute of everyday for six weeks planned out but they also give you homework to do in your free time, which we don't have, so it is all about using time wisely
    My district is so awesome, we are all way close and good friends. There have been some funny moments we have been able to share together, like that one time I went into a Hermanas bathroom and my companion and I didn't realize until we were in the stalls or when another elder ran into a glass pane. 
    Our teacher is literally the coolest guy ever! so humble, mexican, and he knows a ton about the gospel. 
    The food is actually pretty good, well I like it at least. They do serve some weird things for breakfast, like chicken but it is good stuff. 
    A lot of the elders in my district were having a really hard time the first couple of days because it is really a lot of work. So I made it my goal to try to make them all happy. I would say stuff like, Elders we are chillin. or it's all beuno. and smile and laugh as much as I could. They are all good now. After Sunday things seemed to get easier.
    Most days we get about an hour for gym time and you can play sports. My companion and I have been playing a lot of soccer and it is way fun and because the games are not supposed to get competitive they say, last goal ties, instead of last goal wins. I was able to humble some elders with some megs and goals though;)  
   We can´t see much of the city but what I do see is vibrate and colorful.
  I am still working on the pictures and how to upload them so forgive me. 
Love Elder Sharp (I love that name btw)

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